Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New for '09

NBA LIVE 09 is back with the best playing basketball game in the category that rewrites the book on authenticity and connectivity - but is still accessible enough for new users to get in on the ground floor.

See what's new
Check out the new features video

Cover Athelete:

Tony Parker
In his seven NBA seasons, the 26 year old is a two-time NBA All-Star, has three NBA championships and was named the 2007 NBA Finals MVP.

Dynamic DNA
The brain behind the game is powered by the premier analytics provider using NBA data for over 20 NBA teams, which evaluates Player DNA that breaks down how a player scores, Team DNA that rates how the players on the floor play as a unit and Tendencies that refer to the percentage a player drives left, right or shoots from each spot on the floor.

Made fresh daily all season long. NBA LIVE 365 takes it to a whole new level of connectivity, providing you an unprecedented level of authenticity and realism. Now every game truly is different powered by Dynamic DNA data updating daily.

NBA Rewind*
Think you can do it better? Rewrite history and replay last night's game with the updated statistical data that recreates identical conditions including injuries, hot/cold streaks, tendencies and player DNA.

Pick and Roll Control
This new two-man game mechanic lets you control both the ball handler and the screener, as you set screens and run two man plays, with on court instructions popping up to guide you through each play.

Signature Playcalling
Introducing an accessible in game playcalling system that pushes on-court visualization to guide you through the play. Linked to LIVE 365, this feature will suggest authentic plays for NBA's stars to run on the court.

NBA Academy
Get the most out of your game and hone your skills when you jump into game with an all-new practice facility.

Quickstrike AnkleBreakers
Force your defender to step up and guess what you'll do next. Trigger the turbo button and use the right analog stick for bold, responsive ball-handling moves to fake out your defender and create scoring opportunities.

Lockdown Control
A new risk reward system to lock in your check on defense. Get in tight on a strong shooting guard to take away his shot, or play back to keep a quick point guard from blowing by you.

FIBA Expanded
With 24 national teams to choose from, you can compete in an international tournament using authentic FIBA rosters and teams, including, the United States, Spain, France, and more

Be A Pro
Feel what it's like to be a part of a team and lock in as one player - online using Online Team Play, or offline in single player mode. Let NBA LIVE give you feedback and track how well you are playing your position.

5 vs. 5 Online Team Play*
All 10 players on the court can now be controlled by users on 10 different consoles around the world. Now the game outcome can be completely dependent on how you play as an online team

Online Custom Leagues*
Create your own online league, with all-new drafting, trades and a single elimination playoff format.

EA SPORTS World Integration*
Create your own highlight reel then upload the video to EA SPORTS World to prove your passion to the world.

* Internet connection required for online play

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Nice Conversation. (Picked up in the middle)

From the way he has been plating so far who thinks that he is considered a possible MVP candidate. I think that he is a very possible candidate. Dwayne Wade is playing like he wants to be great which from my perspective he is getting there. Agree?

Ben (Aaron's friend) :
Wade is tied for the number 2 spot with Kobe...Being he won a ring more recently then Kobe and Kobe had his chance..

Lebron is the Best player with or without the ring!

My eyes dont lie to me!

I don't think this year, but next year no doubt.

I think though he needs to adopt a passing game, and less or a scoring.

I want to see him get at least 8 ast, and know how to run that offense... especially with no good PG.

Ben :
I think LeBron will win the MVP this season, he just gets better and better, I might be crazy, but he has 32-8-8 potential and he will no doubt get 50 wins with MoWill.

I hate how people try and compare people with their championship wins.

Lets face it....best player doesn't always come down to rings...it helps but there is so many intangibles that go into winning a championship that it's hard to hinge everything on that.

If anything a championship proves the best team but there's more to being the best player.

Now, I'm not denying that Wade is arguably a top 5 player but the best like some people are saying, just because he is having a strong Olympics, is something not to put to much stock into.

Michael (Aaron's other friend):
OMG! why is everybody jumping on the dwane wade bandwagoon just because he is playing good against week international teams --

Band wagon? There you go again.

Chris Paul-30% chance of winning MVP.
LeBron James-35% chance of winning MVP.
Dwayne Wade-30% chance of winning MVP.
Other-5% chance of winning.

That's a bit of extreme.

I think saying that were jumping on a bandwagon is a bit of an extreme, Mike. I mean, yah, the Heay sucked this season. They can still make a turnaround. Look at the Celtics!!!

Dwade is a good player but not top 5 he is 9th 10th best in the league --

I can catch your drift a little bit, thinking about Lebron, Kobe, Melo, Iverson, and Amare.

That's what waas in my mind.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sad Day

Today.... A Tragedy occured. My brother was eaten by a bear. If anybody finds this bear and kills it, a reward of 700,000 dollars will be given. Now, all of you Mercaneries out there.... SHED THE BLOOD TONIGHT!!!!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A song I wrote

From The Eastside To Hooka
From The Hooka to Deck
When you come to see And 1
You must show respect
With an East-Side Big Papa
All My Homies Say Gotta
Look At Da White n Black Stones
You Know, White is Krumpets and Scones
While Black is Desserted, Like A Mere Flesh N Bones
Is That Important Right Now?
I Really Don't Think So
The Proffesor is one that would be making Doe
So Give The Ball To Baby Shack
And Run The Give - N - Go
Or Is it Pick & Roll
God! Who really Knows
Let's Go ask Tony Jones
If Not, We just Stand Alone
You Just Might Be Shaky
But I just Might Be Wrong
Cuz That's Like An Inch
Closer To My Step
You Try To Close In on my Position
And I Just Give You Strep!
Now If you Have a Right Mind
You that's not Right
But Escalade Came In the Lane
And He gave Me a Fright
Oh yeah, Don't Forget....
I will Send Chills Down your Back
And Cross you Up All Night
You Will Take a Hike
In Spite That you will Put up a Fight!
But If you really wan't a Chill
Open up A Cold Case of Miller Light
Just Like Childress To Europe
Or Artest On Trial
This League Gives You News You Don't See In A While!
But If you are Dallas, or Marc Cuban, Are You Vile?
You Hired Marc Cuban, Do You Like The Run And Gun Style!!!
Like Philly With Iggy; Dalembert On The Spot
This Run and Gun Squad Aquired Brand; Is That HOT?
To Look At Mo Cheeks
Wow! He's in this song?
To Bad After Each Game
He won't End Up with His Drawers On!
Well.. So Long!
We Roll Along
On This Segway!
Playing Nothing But Pong!

CB Pics

Top 10 Worst QuarterBacks of Madden History

10. Corey Bramlet (Madden '06, New England, 60 overall)
The Dude Just Sucks, Okay!

9. Jeff Brohm (Madden '01, Denver, 49 overall)
I'm actually a fan of his little brother, Brian.

8. T.J. Rubley (Madden '96, Green Bay, 32 overall)
Rubley's Tidbit og History:
In a 1995 game (in other words, the year using this rosters from this version of the game), following injuries to Favre and backup Ty Detmer, Rubley came into the game on a third-and-1 and was expected to run a QB sneak. Instead, Rubley audibled and waggled out right, throwing an interception that would become his last NFL pass.

7. Todd Husak (Madden '02, Washington, 41 overall)
- the only player in NFL history with both negative passing and rushing yards for his career totals

6. Casey Weldon (Madden '95, Tampa Bay, 29 overall)
Weldon's 29 overall rating is the lowest actual rating any quarterback has had in a version of Madden, ever. Congrats, Casey.

5. Jared Lorenzen (Madden '07 and '08, New York, 62 and 63 overall, respectively)
The worst quarterback in the game in back-to-back seasons is trying to beat out Peyton Manning for the Starting QB spot for the Colts. Good Luck Jared.

4. Cleo Lemon (Madden '06, San Diego, 60 overall)

3. Tory Woodbury (Madden '05, Free Agent, 50 overall)
Three teams, Six years, twelve games, zero passing attempts, zero rushing attempts, zero all-purpose yards. It's amazing he actually made the game.

2.Cory Sauter (Madden '03, Indianapolis, 37 overall)
He was a college undergraduate that was cut from training camp. Why is he in the game?

1. Wally Richardson (Madden '00, Baltimore, 41 overall, and Madden '02, Free Agent, 38 overall)
Richardson was suprisingly drafted high in 1997. He didn't play until 2001, where he threw the ball against the wall to the side he never has thrown a ball again in his life.

My Thought On Video Games 1

Greetings! All Of You! This is my latest post and I hope you enjoy it.

Oh yeah, By the way. If anybody reading this wants to crash on a very comfortable peice of wood, don't hesistate to stop by my house.

Oh yeah. We're so nice that we'll give you a free t-shirt.

Okay So.... Everybody here listens to podcasts, writes blogs, channels RSS Feeds to their Ipods... and Downloas something in someway.... Correct

I'm Trying to find out if this is just a me thing ], or if it is taking over America. (By The Way... I DO NOT TAKE JOY IN SITTING AROUND AND BLOGGING)

Please Comment answering this question.

I know.. The title of this says it's about my thoughts on video games. I'll get to that. Barely!

I just need to train my pet hamster John to kill the critics on Gamespot.com.
Beijing Olympics 2008
The Good
Detailed athletes
Good online play.
The Bad

Archaic, blister-causing controls
Way too difficult
Only 32 countries, with no real participants
Level-up system goes against reality
Lousy tutorials.

Beijing 2008 proves beyond a doubt that rapidly pushing buttons is not fun. I don't know what platforms this game will be for, but it sounds stupid. Plus they don't have basketball in it.

Alright, Maybe I'm not a very good video game news guy. Oh well. But I do have some news. I went out to the mall yesterday and looked at Gamestop. I always love getting cheap used games. Mostly because they're cheap. So I looked at the cheap used games and I picked out some cheap ones. I liked a lot of my list I was willing to buy, but I decided on three. - The three cheapest that is.

Game 1. NCAA March Madness 2002 - The games looks like crap.

Cost: 99 Cents

Game 2. NCAA March Madness 2004 - The games looks okay

Cost: 1.99 cents

Erin Andrews wrote a Review on the game, saying its Hott.

Game 3. Madden 2005 Collectors Edition - The games looks great

Cost:1.99 Cents
Okay everybody. Thanks for reading my blog. Please Comments.


Wow! I was over at my friend Ben Stauffer's house playing with his PS3, something that I do not own, and we whipped up the NBA 2k8 FEAT. Chis Paul. This whiney Ernie and the Topnotes 1940's style funk started blasting off in my ear. We rocked out the Dunk Contest and the Highlight Reels n stuff. The game looks great, and I am totally into getting a ps3. ( No Matter how outragoues it costs!!!!)

Then there's NBA 2k9, which when I get a PS3, it will be out.

5-on-5 Online? WOW thats gonna be sick. 5 online players against 5, now thats huge! Analyst Clark Kellogg and sideline reporter Cheryl Miller join color commentator Kevin Harlan to create one of the most knowledgeable broadcast teams in the game.

Now that's a change. Clark Kellogg... I don't like that. Cheryl Miller instead of Craig Sager... I love Cheryl Miller. A+. Do you know how anoying listenig to Craig drone on is. ESPECIALLY IN A VIDEO GAME!!!!

LOL. I still think that they should get Reggie Miller, Marv Albert, and Cheryl Miller. You get the brother and sister, plus the biggest basketball commentator legend the world can offer. Marv Albert, who is commonly referred to as "the voice of basketball."

At Least 2K9 won't have the annoying 40's funk song in there. - The only weakness to 2K8.

PS. The Point of the KG Bball Card: There is None.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Greetings from Boston...

Boston Celtics would like to Insure you a happy...
year thanks to the many great feast that have ben plentifuly grateful lasting with lucious multitude o' heavenly blessings. Garnett, being a Family Guy watcher, would like to insure a happy especially to his childishness. No Punn intended - Mostly because there wouldn't be one anyways!
Smile! Because Jesus loves you, and be safe, and don't get into too much trouble... AND KIDS!!!!! Don't slack on your BBall Card Openings....

Los Angeles Lakers Will Insure you a happy...
Video Game festivities after the nightly Sports Reports, and shortened sleep for your children on school nights... Make sure to get them the new download (Offered By Sony) So that they can pop out there PSP when laying in bead, boared out of their wits, thinking about getting up and stepping into a yellow school bus that smells of mint jelly.

Kobe Also Leads The BTS Chant.
Don't Touch the Balla
Be Poppin Muh Colla
While You Makin' Top Dolla
All uh Muh Homies Say Holls
On the Wedding Menue, Offer Up The Egg Roll Dalla
Best Slurp Up Ya Pasta
Like You Did To Ya Fatha
Like A Pill Wit' Ol' Roga
Like A Gate-Way To Satan...
Kobe Bryant

A great pump up chant... (Or NOT!!!)

I would also like to inform you that today was the National Old-Times day, where you (instead of Asembling your Ps3 and Playing your Gears of War)you Rock out the Playstation and play the old NCAA March Madness 2000.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

My lastest DISSAPOINTMENTS!!!!... And JOYS!!!!!!

Invalid login, please try again...

No. I happen to be kidding. You want the weekly showdown huh? A composition of a Rose/Beasly equals a sure Hall of Famer. Manny Being Manny. Did you see him hold up that sign about Favre? His first game for the Dodgers wasn't a marquee event. Plus, Griffey's debut ended in sorrow as he was stolen from his HR #609.

Now,Now... Let's get to the bottom of things. What I truly posted this was to be exact about whats going on. Did you know that I own a Vince Carter Rookie Card (Fleer Brilliants) and there is only 15 made, and is worth 380 dollars. WOW! I'm A Gonna Sell It!

My Weekly Top 5
1. Vinny Del Negro will not Get the job done for Chicago. Neva-Eva

2. Beasly excelled MUCH MUCH more than Rose in the Orlando Summer League.

3. John Paxson is a fart face.

4. Michael Jordan is the GM of the B-Cats! WHY! He could be better off in his town of CHI!!!

5. I"Ma Gonna Be a Rich'one!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Time Magazine Names Lebron # 1 Player in Olympics

Lebron's not even the best player on his own team!Carmelo Anthony scores more in FIBA and is counted on to produce more. Coach K values Anthony more than any other player on the roster, including Lebron.Lebron #1? That's just HYPE.Just because Carmelo scores a lot doesn't make him the most important piece to the team. Carmelo scores what two or three more points than LeBron or say Kobe. WOW!LeBron accounted for the most assists last summer in the FIBA Americas so what is more important and better, the player that just scores? Or the player that gets you points and is the playmaker? Anyways, saying he is the number one Olympian to watch isn't saying anything more than he is the most exciting athlete on the planet right now.--"Player haters....elevate us...if you cross me...you'll die."- LeBron James

Mr. Ping Ping

" Yao Ming Ming should be ping ping. Neither have bling bling and yet to win a thing thing (ring ring!). If that aint enough to win win it aint nuthin but a chicken wing wing. Plus Yao would look awesome in an oversized bowtie…I mean it’s gotta be something like a kite, right. p.s my apologies to Mr Ping ping cos he definitely doesn’t need bling to get anymore gangsta. He’s my new idol in a holdall. HAND LUGGAGE!!!! And for those of you who haven’t heard Mr. Ping Ping speak it kinda sounds like on that old video Worms when they shout “incoming”. True that. “Video game”…not video, I’m sooo 2001 at times, or 2019 for our brothers and sisters in Kazakstan. Yashimash! I’ve just had a weird thought. Maybe he’s called He Ping Ping because no one wanted to play table tennis with him at school (cue weird flashbacks to Forest Gump in rehab)…. I mean if you can’t even see over the table its the only sound you’re gunna hear!!!! I think Mr Ping ping is affecting me on as profound a level as Lang. (Disclaimer: there is nothing funny about people with disablities (I have them myself), but there is nothing wrong with making fun of peoples names: my first name is Grenville, and my surname is Ham (a la Darvin)….nuff said). oh, and my name is not my disability by the way, well not since 12th grade. He also reminds me of Boobie Gibson….don’t you just wanna hug them and take them home? OK that’s enough, I aint gunna win squat. I’m outta here like Omar (where you at bro’). "

Now this very unhappy post and distint subject was brought upon matters of a forum for a monthly magazine called Slam. Now this was practically exactly a year ago, (July 31, 2007) and I was just browsing online; bored. So I went to the official site of Slam Magazine and checked out all the contests and forums, and came upon a very odd subject of A Mr. Ping Ping in the NBA. It explained it such:

" Yesterday I linked to this story about the world’s tallest man meeting the world’s smallest man, which I enjoyed on several levels — that odd looking giant (wearing adidas), the tiny man with the oddly fastened bow tie. "
Quoth from Lang Whitetaker VIA Slamonline

So to make matters worse, It just had to be a comparison of a crazy small dude to an NBA Player, as you will see in this next excert:

"As for Mr. Ping Ping, there’s not a lot of information about him on the internet. Beside the story I linked to earlier, I found this story, which basically just repeats a lot of the same information. And there’s this video, but we don’t even get to hear from Mr. Ping Ping on the video.
Anyway, I like Mr. Ping Ping. I like what he stands for and the way he attaches his bow tie. I like the way he’s standing in this photo, hands on hips, as though he’s expecting something to happen but he’s not quite sure what. But mostly I like his name: He Ping Ping. And Mr. Ping Ping cracks me up every time I hear it.
So now we need to make sure his name stays out there, and I think the best way to do that is by appropriating his name for an NBA player. Which is where you guys come in.
Put some thought into this. "

Truthfully at this point I was going to turn back, but Inevitabbly I was compelled to stay. So It was actually a few days into the competition, and I was scrolling down to see some posts of what people had thought of. Here they are:

sefos says:i think one option should be Martynas Andriuskevicius, simply because Mr ping ping is so much easier to pronounce

Ben Collins says:You like what he stands for? What does he stand for? The Chinese National Anthem?

So after a couple of posts I thought that maybe It was strictly just for fun, and maybe I could get a kick out of this. So The next day, first in the morning, I log on and post; Probally Spud Webb That just got a free facial dunk on his head after a trip to the clothes department. I thought that might get some hype, noyze, and buzz, but no,no...

Out of nowhere comes an evil-chirping menace from the wastelands and bowels of hell! An Un-Jolly bad Fellow who we surely can Deny!!!! His preposterous name was a wretched one, that will surely scare the new kids on the block out of the local Chuckee Chees's.
His name was........ Grenner!!!!!!!!!

He made a desperate frenzy and medley of posts as if to ricule the whole operation! (If you want to read the whole thing, go back to the top of this post) He somehow knew that there was only minutes to spare. And as if to sniper all of the clever comments made by fellow fans, He made a closure of disgust and dismay to the game: A direct insult to himself, his family, his country, his name, his social stability, and the whole contest itself!

As fellow forum stars watched in horror ( and me being a newbie, watched in terrible horror) the contest ending like that! And slowly but surely... A post came from the headmaster... The winner was nobody but Grenville ham himself. I was crushed... A man looking to make the whole world a worse place get's the better, spoiled with prizes and luxury.

At the end of this dilema.... All I can do Is look up to the sky and think... Who said Life is fair?
- Aaron Roos

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Weekly Showdown

Hobbits vs. Ewoks
I hated "The Hobbit," so the Ewoks have the support of me and my imaginary friend Mr. Clam :)

Knuckles vs. Luigi
Knuckles is super fast so Luigi would never get a chance to hit him. And Luigi isn't any different from Mario.

Dr. Evil vs. Dark Helmet
I see your Schwartz is as big as mine. Ha Ha love it. By the way the intro in Spaceballs has the ship flying by for a full Minute and 26 seconds.

Scorpion vs. Reptile

Jedi Master vs. Supersaiyan
Why be a Supersayain, when you can slice one's head off?

Harry Potter vs. Venom
Harry might use his death spell on him ,but I'd rather see Venom sadisticly torture him.

Pikachu vs. Charmander

Yoda vs. The Rock
"Size matters not." But lightsabers do.

Vegeta vs. Darth Vader
While Vegeta may be more powerful, Vader would win, because it would take Vegeta at LEAST six episodes to power up his attack.

Care Bears vs. Chicago Bears
As long as the care bears die I'm happy.

Cookie Monster vs. Pacman
Cookie Monster eats cookies, Pacman eats balls

Legolas vs. Gimli
"Nobody tosses a dwarf!" (except Aragorn in the Battle of Helmsdeep)

Micky Mouse vs. Darth Sidious
2 words Light Saber

Spiderman vs. Wolverine
1 word... slice

Cat in the Hat vs. Dr. Suess
Story vs. Author... the choice is obvious

Cat Woman vs. 2 Face
Throws Coins? Enough said.

Rock em' Sock em' Robot Red vs. Rock em' Sock em' Robot Blue
Actualy im just going to leave this arument t the people that play with toys AKA.........YOU

Wizards Scoop

Letting Mason go let's Nick Young get more game time, and he offers more of an all around game than mason or stevenson. Mason is basically a back-up that gives you a deep threat. His defense is highly questionable and he averaged alot of fouls towards the end of the season. I liked him but letting him go isn't going to hurt the team. With the signing of dee brown I think antonio daniels is going to get phased out especially since he's having a good summer league. Dominic Mcguire is blossoming to. I can see him being a solid back-up to maybe step into masons spot.The only player that was resigned that is injury prone was arenas. Jamison isn't injury prone, and if you think letting gilbert go is a smart idea then you need to check again. He's still one of the best scoring point guards in the league, and he can easily be a passing point guard if he gains the mentality for it. The only thing he needs to work on is D. As for javalee mcgee I think he's going to be a beast center. Extremely great length and he has a sick freaking shot.

I really thought that Roger Mason was a key player to the washington Wizards, because of what he brought off the bench. I mean, he really produced in the playoffs when Gilbert was injured and Daniels was in foul trouble. He was also a perfect fit for the team. I really hope that Nick Young will be a bigger peice for this team, and I wan't really impressed. But the Wizards have some good shooters, no doubt. Personally, I don't like Brendan Haywood. And to have a franchise player, you got to have a good big guy that gets in there, mixes it up, and rebounds. I mean look at Shaq. He's not that good, but he won three in a row with Los Angeles. And look at Tim Duncan in San antonio. I mean, teams usually take Big Men for granted. At least Magee can be active and be an energy for Washington.

1) Let nick young get above 20 minutes a game.2) Gilbert needs to average above 10 assists.3)The whole team needs to drive more, they have the strength and athleticism to do it. 4)Play better perimeter defense. The team gave up an NBA RECORD in 3's this season. 5)Draft a PG and a C/PF

That was my original gameplan for the Wizards before the Draft. It has changed a bit now, but I gotta give my props to Arenas for being a man of his word and staying loyal to the Wizards by signing that six year deal.

Gilbert is a better player than DeShawn, but I still like Gilbert as a point guard. He's there for a reason. If you read his blog, you would've seen his explanation on the whole "point guard theory," and why he is a point guard. He explained it well on what a "pure point guard" is, and why in the hell should he move just because of the style he has? His team wouldn't be used to it. I know it's surprising to hear this, but Gilbert hasn't played the shooting guard spot, ONCE.And, personally, I'm tired of hearing all of this Gil is a pg/sg discussions. A lot of people are making the statement that Deshawn should leave the team. Just look at what he's done for us against the Hornets, and the other games. I love his 3 point shooting, sure he's streaky, but I do not want to give him up. And neither does Gil, DeShawn and Gil are best friends on the team, and the chemistry wouldn't be the same with the spots mixed around like that.

I here what they are saying about Arenas but I never see him try and draw defenders to get his team mates open. He just aint a pg although he could possibly make a great shooting guard. He could be as good as T mac Kobe, Wade and co.

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Germantown Hills, Illinois, United States