Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Weekly Showdown

Hobbits vs. Ewoks
I hated "The Hobbit," so the Ewoks have the support of me and my imaginary friend Mr. Clam :)

Knuckles vs. Luigi
Knuckles is super fast so Luigi would never get a chance to hit him. And Luigi isn't any different from Mario.

Dr. Evil vs. Dark Helmet
I see your Schwartz is as big as mine. Ha Ha love it. By the way the intro in Spaceballs has the ship flying by for a full Minute and 26 seconds.

Scorpion vs. Reptile

Jedi Master vs. Supersaiyan
Why be a Supersayain, when you can slice one's head off?

Harry Potter vs. Venom
Harry might use his death spell on him ,but I'd rather see Venom sadisticly torture him.

Pikachu vs. Charmander

Yoda vs. The Rock
"Size matters not." But lightsabers do.

Vegeta vs. Darth Vader
While Vegeta may be more powerful, Vader would win, because it would take Vegeta at LEAST six episodes to power up his attack.

Care Bears vs. Chicago Bears
As long as the care bears die I'm happy.

Cookie Monster vs. Pacman
Cookie Monster eats cookies, Pacman eats balls

Legolas vs. Gimli
"Nobody tosses a dwarf!" (except Aragorn in the Battle of Helmsdeep)

Micky Mouse vs. Darth Sidious
2 words Light Saber

Spiderman vs. Wolverine
1 word... slice

Cat in the Hat vs. Dr. Suess
Story vs. Author... the choice is obvious

Cat Woman vs. 2 Face
Throws Coins? Enough said.

Rock em' Sock em' Robot Red vs. Rock em' Sock em' Robot Blue
Actualy im just going to leave this arument t the people that play with toys AKA.........YOU

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