Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wizards Scoop

Letting Mason go let's Nick Young get more game time, and he offers more of an all around game than mason or stevenson. Mason is basically a back-up that gives you a deep threat. His defense is highly questionable and he averaged alot of fouls towards the end of the season. I liked him but letting him go isn't going to hurt the team. With the signing of dee brown I think antonio daniels is going to get phased out especially since he's having a good summer league. Dominic Mcguire is blossoming to. I can see him being a solid back-up to maybe step into masons spot.The only player that was resigned that is injury prone was arenas. Jamison isn't injury prone, and if you think letting gilbert go is a smart idea then you need to check again. He's still one of the best scoring point guards in the league, and he can easily be a passing point guard if he gains the mentality for it. The only thing he needs to work on is D. As for javalee mcgee I think he's going to be a beast center. Extremely great length and he has a sick freaking shot.

I really thought that Roger Mason was a key player to the washington Wizards, because of what he brought off the bench. I mean, he really produced in the playoffs when Gilbert was injured and Daniels was in foul trouble. He was also a perfect fit for the team. I really hope that Nick Young will be a bigger peice for this team, and I wan't really impressed. But the Wizards have some good shooters, no doubt. Personally, I don't like Brendan Haywood. And to have a franchise player, you got to have a good big guy that gets in there, mixes it up, and rebounds. I mean look at Shaq. He's not that good, but he won three in a row with Los Angeles. And look at Tim Duncan in San antonio. I mean, teams usually take Big Men for granted. At least Magee can be active and be an energy for Washington.

1) Let nick young get above 20 minutes a game.2) Gilbert needs to average above 10 assists.3)The whole team needs to drive more, they have the strength and athleticism to do it. 4)Play better perimeter defense. The team gave up an NBA RECORD in 3's this season. 5)Draft a PG and a C/PF

That was my original gameplan for the Wizards before the Draft. It has changed a bit now, but I gotta give my props to Arenas for being a man of his word and staying loyal to the Wizards by signing that six year deal.

Gilbert is a better player than DeShawn, but I still like Gilbert as a point guard. He's there for a reason. If you read his blog, you would've seen his explanation on the whole "point guard theory," and why he is a point guard. He explained it well on what a "pure point guard" is, and why in the hell should he move just because of the style he has? His team wouldn't be used to it. I know it's surprising to hear this, but Gilbert hasn't played the shooting guard spot, ONCE.And, personally, I'm tired of hearing all of this Gil is a pg/sg discussions. A lot of people are making the statement that Deshawn should leave the team. Just look at what he's done for us against the Hornets, and the other games. I love his 3 point shooting, sure he's streaky, but I do not want to give him up. And neither does Gil, DeShawn and Gil are best friends on the team, and the chemistry wouldn't be the same with the spots mixed around like that.

I here what they are saying about Arenas but I never see him try and draw defenders to get his team mates open. He just aint a pg although he could possibly make a great shooting guard. He could be as good as T mac Kobe, Wade and co.

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