Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A song I wrote

From The Eastside To Hooka
From The Hooka to Deck
When you come to see And 1
You must show respect
With an East-Side Big Papa
All My Homies Say Gotta
Look At Da White n Black Stones
You Know, White is Krumpets and Scones
While Black is Desserted, Like A Mere Flesh N Bones
Is That Important Right Now?
I Really Don't Think So
The Proffesor is one that would be making Doe
So Give The Ball To Baby Shack
And Run The Give - N - Go
Or Is it Pick & Roll
God! Who really Knows
Let's Go ask Tony Jones
If Not, We just Stand Alone
You Just Might Be Shaky
But I just Might Be Wrong
Cuz That's Like An Inch
Closer To My Step
You Try To Close In on my Position
And I Just Give You Strep!
Now If you Have a Right Mind
You that's not Right
But Escalade Came In the Lane
And He gave Me a Fright
Oh yeah, Don't Forget....
I will Send Chills Down your Back
And Cross you Up All Night
You Will Take a Hike
In Spite That you will Put up a Fight!
But If you really wan't a Chill
Open up A Cold Case of Miller Light
Just Like Childress To Europe
Or Artest On Trial
This League Gives You News You Don't See In A While!
But If you are Dallas, or Marc Cuban, Are You Vile?
You Hired Marc Cuban, Do You Like The Run And Gun Style!!!
Like Philly With Iggy; Dalembert On The Spot
This Run and Gun Squad Aquired Brand; Is That HOT?
To Look At Mo Cheeks
Wow! He's in this song?
To Bad After Each Game
He won't End Up with His Drawers On!
Well.. So Long!
We Roll Along
On This Segway!
Playing Nothing But Pong!

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Germantown Hills, Illinois, United States