Monday, August 4, 2008

Greetings from Boston...

Boston Celtics would like to Insure you a happy...
year thanks to the many great feast that have ben plentifuly grateful lasting with lucious multitude o' heavenly blessings. Garnett, being a Family Guy watcher, would like to insure a happy especially to his childishness. No Punn intended - Mostly because there wouldn't be one anyways!
Smile! Because Jesus loves you, and be safe, and don't get into too much trouble... AND KIDS!!!!! Don't slack on your BBall Card Openings....

Los Angeles Lakers Will Insure you a happy...
Video Game festivities after the nightly Sports Reports, and shortened sleep for your children on school nights... Make sure to get them the new download (Offered By Sony) So that they can pop out there PSP when laying in bead, boared out of their wits, thinking about getting up and stepping into a yellow school bus that smells of mint jelly.

Kobe Also Leads The BTS Chant.
Don't Touch the Balla
Be Poppin Muh Colla
While You Makin' Top Dolla
All uh Muh Homies Say Holls
On the Wedding Menue, Offer Up The Egg Roll Dalla
Best Slurp Up Ya Pasta
Like You Did To Ya Fatha
Like A Pill Wit' Ol' Roga
Like A Gate-Way To Satan...
Kobe Bryant

A great pump up chant... (Or NOT!!!)

I would also like to inform you that today was the National Old-Times day, where you (instead of Asembling your Ps3 and Playing your Gears of War)you Rock out the Playstation and play the old NCAA March Madness 2000.

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